Thursday, March 29, 2012

Join me for this workshop presented by your truly!

Arvigo Techniques Of Maya Abdominal Therapy Workshop

April 22nd,2012 6pm

This workshop is designed for anyone interested to improve personal health and wellness, and is intended to address common symptoms of organ displacement and the benefits of Self-Care massage. Below is a list of signs and symptoms that the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage can help.
• Displaced or prolapsed uterus and/or bladder
• Painful periods and ovulation
• Irregular menstrual cycles and ovulations
• Bladder or yeast infections
• Miscarriages, difficult pregnancies
• Endometriosis
• Peri menopause, menopausal symptoms
• Infertility
• PMS/Depression with menstruation
• Ovarian cysts
• Uterine fibroids
• Abnormal uterine bleeding
• Enhances pregnancy, aids in labor and delivery
** This workshop is not intended to prepare an individual to apply this technique professionally**
Content of this one-day class will include the following:
• Introduction to Traditional Healing
• Review of Anatomy and Physiology (Brief)
• Review of Signs and Symptoms of Displaced Organs – male and female
• Contraindications
• Expectations /Benefits of the massage• Demo of technique
• Group Practice of Self Massage
• Limitations of practice – to Self ONLY
This workshop will be presented by Maya Marquez LMT, Self Care Instructor and practitioner of The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage. Maya Marquez has been a holistic practitioner since 2003 helping hundreds of men and women with her intuitive touch and nurturing presence.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Health Benefits of HUGS!

A hug is a universal medicine, it is how we handshake from the heart. -Anonymous

For decades we’ve known that babies won’t thrive without physical holding and affection. There is little that will comfort and settle small children as the warm embrace of their family. Yet it is still not uncommon for parents to stop hugging their kids as they reach puberty. And for many adults, the amount of physical nurturing we receive declines as we age, even as medical studies confirm that the health benefits of physical touch extend throughout our lives.

We lose touch with each other early in our adult lives as our needs for physical affection are confused with our emerging sexuality. Our discomfort and lack of understanding about our sexuality inadvertently colors our capacity to connect even in something as benign as a hug. I listened with both shock and grief as my 13-year-old daughter shared how she was warned at school with a PDA for hugging her boyfriend. “You can’t hug for more than 2 seconds,” she said. Much of our mistrust of physical affection is learned and the rigid personal boundary space we establish in response often only serves to later prevent our earnest desires to connect.

Virgina Satir, who was often referred to as the mother of family therapy, determined that “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.” Her presumption is backed by research, which consistently demonstrates that our emotional wellbeing is deeply impacted by the physical love we experience and that touch and hugging are primary vehicles in the brain’s development of basic positive emotions. According to Linda Blair, a clinical psychologist at Bath University, “Touch affects the cerebellar brain system, an area of the brain where basic positive emotions such as trust and affection probably come from.”

back to page 1.As in the mind, so in the body as recent medical research at University of North Carolina found that both blood pressure and levels of Cortisol, the hormone produced when we’re under stress, were significantly lowered (particularly in women) when subjects hugged their partners for at least twenty seconds. Another study that took place in 2000 showed that hugging babies while they were given blood tests made them cry less and kept their heart rates steadier. Other studies suggest a strong link between increased hugs and lower risk of heart disease.

In addition to the clear health benefits, hugging also provides a window into the health of your relationship and offers an easy way to improve it. Hugging Until Relaxed is a therapeutic technique that encourages partners to hold each other while in a standing hug. Ultimately, both partners find stability and comfort in the embrace by achieving equilibrium of balance and closeness while holding each other. This technique, introduced by David Schnarch in Passionate Marriage, allows both partners to open up to a deeply intimate space where both are held and fully relaxed. This technique generally translates into better overall communication and more passionate intimacy. Opening up to being held is a powerful metaphor. A relaxed and full embrace allows us to feel and connect bodies in a way that literally couples us.

SO EVERYBODY SHOULD HUG MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lymphatic Massage Benefits

I have been doing Lymphatic Massage for years now. I have recently gotten back into it. I cannot stress enough how beneficial it is for the mind body and spirit. Everyone should have a lymphatic drainage one to twice a year for maintenance and monthly for chronice conditions. Feel free to book your first lymphatic massage with me.

Lymphatic massage or lymph drainage massage is a technique used to help increase lymph flow.
Increased lymph flow removes harmful substances from the tissues and increases immune function.

Lymphatic massage can be useful in cases of edema, sports injury or for people experiencing a sluggish immune system or those suffering from a lack of energy.

What is the Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in your body's ability heal from injury and ward off disease.
It is essential to the body's drainage system for cleansing and filtering out toxins and bacteria.

Problems With The Lymphatic System

Aches, pains, soreness and flu like symptoms could all be caused by congested lymph pathways.

The Benefits of Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic massage can help to unblock the lymph system by manually cleansing the lymph system in a clockwise fashion.

Performing lymphatic massage correctly can stimulate the opening of the initial lymphatic and increase the volume of lymph flow by as much as 20 times.

Because lymph cleanses nearly every cell in your body the negative effects of chronic lymph blockages include but are not limited to:

o Frequent cold and flu infections

o Joint pain

o Headache and migraine

o Menstrual cramps

o Arthritis

o Loss of appetite

o Fatigue

o Mood irregularities

o Depression

o Acne

o Cellulite

What is Lymphatic Massage?

The use of massage as a healing therapy dates back centuries.
Lymphatic massage was developed in the 1930s and is a delicate form of massage that stimulates the body's lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system has no central pump and depends on muscle contraction through deep breathing, exercise and manual manipulation to move fluid.

Lymphatic massage utilizes a very light pressure combined with soft pumping movements in the direction of the lymph nodes. Immune system function can be significantly increased, improving metabolism and helping the body to eliminate waste and toxins.

A strong immune system makes you feel balanced, happy and whole.

As with most massage, it is vital to drink lots of water after a lymphatic massage to flush away toxins that have been released.

Lymphatic Massage - What can it be used for?

Lymphatic massage has been used for years to enhance the quality of the skin.

o Lymphatic massage aids the increase of lymph flow. When the lymph is flowing as it should, cells are bathed in fresh fluid making the skin look fresh and alive.

Lymphatic massage is also useful for people with sports injuries.

o When applied after neuromuscular massage, lymphatic massage helps to clear the tissue of debris and reduce the minor edema that can occur after deep tissue massage.

o Repeated lymphatic massage whilst healing from a sports injury can help to enhance the tissue regeneration process by keeping the tissue as healthy as possible.

It is thought that lymphatic massage can also help the scarring process by enhancing circulation and immunity.

o Increased lymph flow around the scar stimulates damaged lymph vessels to heal.

o Increased lymph flow draws away toxins improving the health of the tissues.

Another common use of lymph drainage massage is in breast cancer cases.

o Women who have had axillary lymph nodes removed sometimes develop edema in their arm. As long as there is only minor swelling, then a massage therapist with a good knowledge of contraindication and some specific techniques can do a great amount of good.

Lymphatic Massage - Is it Safe?

For the most part lymphatic massage is safe. However as with all massage therapies there are some contra indications. For lymphatic massage specifically, these include acute inflammation, malignant tumors, thrombosis and major heart problems.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Thanks to my wonderful co-worker Lavetra who turned me on to these amazing lil seeds. I now give them to marley since he is allergic to dairy and they have six times the calcium of milk!!!!. Incorporate them into your lives you will not regret it!

Chia is the Ultimate Superfood

In the pecking order of super-foods, you’ve got to earn respect. Salmon has done that. So have spinach and blueberries. But there’s another food making the rounds for its numerous health benefits that, quite frankly, may soon be at the top of that list.

The food is chia. And in the pantheon of super-foods, it’s a stud.

What’s a super-food? Think of foods that are loaded with phytonutrients, including antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, essential vitamins and minerals. Also, any super-food worth its weight should be a good source of protein, healthy fats or fiber.

About Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed

Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed is an unrivalled source of all three. In fact, it’s packed with enough nutrients to have extensive and far-reaching health benefits for those from all walks of life and degrees of health. Benefits include:

more energy
better digestion
reduced food cravings
increased lean muscle mass
better sleep
healthier skin
Think of Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed as a high-octane fuel for your body – the kind that will transform it from a Pinto to a Ferrari.

Granted, the term “super-food” is reaching pretty high, and any food that claims to wear that title needs some serious nutrients to back it up. Let’s break Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed down further and evaluate if it’s good enough for that lofty title.

Nutritional Breakdown

Chia is 16% protein, 31% fat and 44% carbohydrate. The latter is 38% fiber (both soluble and insoluble), and most of the fat content is the heart-healthy essential omega-3 fatty acid ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). And as a complete vegetable protein with nine essential amino acids, you’ve got enough protein for a health-boosting, low cholesterol snack or meal.

Getting back to that fiber, two tablespoons of chia packs over 42.5% of your daily recommended fiber intake and three to four times what you’ll find in a competing dietary supplement. Considering that most Americans get less that half of their recommended fiber each day, chia’s a fast and convenient way to boost your fiber intake and minimize digestive problems.

In ancient times, the Aztecs used chia to nourish their messengers as they ran through the mountains. With over 27 minerals, vitamins, amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids, it’s not hard to see why.

Who Should Eat Chia?

Let’s be honest, it’s a lot easier to grab a Big Mac for lunch than it is to eat well. And no offense to the fast food industry, but it’s not good for your health or your waistline.

Chia’s been used for hundreds of years by South American cultures for its health-boosting and endurance-building nutrients. And with enough protein, healthy fats and fiber content, it’s a true super-food and convenient way to supplement the nutrients so often missed in the average diet.

Chia is ideal for athletes, diabetics, pregnant women, children, vegetarians, people who want to lose weight, fight signs of aging or simply want to eat like professional athletes and achieve maximum health with the convenience of a seed that’s easily integrated in your diet.

Everyone can eat chia. And frankly, everyone should.

Eat Like a Champ, Feel Like a Warrior

The Aztecs knew the benefits of chia and gave it to their leaders as an annual offering. Now you can enjoy the same benefits, including more energy, greater endurance, better digestion and sharpened mental outlook. Digestive Science Organic Chia Seed is health and virility in the form of a seed.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I swear by colloidal silver. I use it for bites and cuts, internally for immune protection, I give it to my son and cat as well as my plants. It truly is a cure-all.

Colloidal silver was the most common antibiotic in use until 1938. It is a natural antibiotic, anti viral, and antifungal and can be used externally or internally with little chance of side effects or overdose. It is inexpensive, easily bought without a prescription and best of all, bacteria that has become immune to antibiotics has no immunity to colloidal silver.

So, why isn't it being used more?

When medical technology started gearing up in the late 1800s researchers found that all of the body's fluids were colloidal in nature. This means that blood, for example, is made up of particles suspended in a fluid.

Silver had long been used for its antibacterial qualities and so doctors began to look for ways to create a colloid that would easily be absorbed into the body. That was realized with the advent of electricity. In 1924, the first electro-colloidal silver was produced and over the next several years the technique was perfected.

Use in Ancient Persia
This was not the first time silver had been used for its antibacterial properties. In 4000 B.C. Persian records indicate that water was kept in silver vessels to produce antibacterial and disinfectant qualities in it. The Romans used silver compounds on the battle field to treat wounds as did the Crusaders in the Middle Ages.

The pioneers in America, and even people up into the early 1900s used silver coins and flatware in jugs of milk to keep it fresh and good at room temperature.

Where Did the Term Blue Blood Come From?
Did you ever wonder where the term, blue blood, comes from?

Royalty and the upper classes used to use silver as medicine as well as eat from silver plates using silver flatware. They drank water which had been stored in silver pitchers from silver cups. Because of all of the silver particles they ingested their skin literally turned blue. This condition, Argyria, is caused by excessive intake of silver particles over a long period of time. Other than blue skin the condition is not dangerous.

Proven Effective
The effectiveness of colloidal silver had been proven by case studies and accepted by science as fact in past eras. However, it was costly to produce and not as fast acting as some of the new antibiotics that were being discovered. Doctors began prescribing the new wonder drugs and silver was largely forgotten.

Improper Use Over Time Can Lead to Blue Skin

Synthetic Antibiotics Create Resistant Diseases
Unfortunately what the doctors did not know was that over time, and with misuse, the synthetic antibiotics actually produced antibiotic resistant bacteria.

The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta reported in the year 2000 that over 70,000 people died in hospitals in the United States from infections that resisted synthetic drugs.

Bacteria that are very common such as those that lead to ear infections or pneumonia are evolving into forms that are currently untreatable. We are creating super bugs. MRSA is one of these new, resistant microbes.

Colloidal SIlver Products
Colloidal Silver Generator (Makes Ionic Silver)
Amazon Price: $99.00
Source Naturals Ultra Colloidal Silver Salve, 2 Ounce
Amazon Price: $20.04
List Price: $29.50
Atlasnova Pure Silver Wire 9999 (NOT 999) 12 Gauge 1 Ounce 36 inches
Amazon Price: $69.00
Is Colloidal Silver the Answer?
In the late 1970s a doctor by the name of Robert O. Becker was doing research on regeneration of spinal chords, organs and limbs. He discovered that silver promoted bone growth as well as destroying harmful bacteria in the surrounding area. More tests were run and the results were that colloidal silver is a broad spectrum antimicrobial. It successfully destroyed the following:

E. coli
Pink eye

bronchial infections
urinary tract infections
wound infections
many more
Since colloidal silver is considered a pre 1938 drug by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) it is approved for over the counter sales.

How to Use Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver comes in two basic strengths, 50 ppm and 500 ppm. It is important to have both on hand because they treat different things.

For eye infections, nose drops, or ears the 50 ppm is better to use and less likely to sting. For illnesses and infections that need to be treated internally the 500 ppm is the best choice.

The colloidal silver should be kept in a dark place, and always buy it bottled in a dark, glass bottle.

Generally, if you are treating an illness taking one ounce four times a day of the 500ppm is effective. It is nearly impossible to ovedose on it and the blue side effect only happens with very heavy use over a long period of time. Years, not weeks or months.

Other uses for colloidal silver are:

Silver stimulates plant growth
Rinse your fruit and vegetables before storin. This will make them last longer and stay fresh.
Toothaches and canker sores are diminished and itkills the bacteria of gingivitis.
Use on fingernail, toenail, and ear fungi.
Spray in shoes and between toes to kill athletes foot and fungi.
Add to drinking water when traveling or camping, or in emergency situations when clean drinking water is suspect.

Monday, August 8, 2011

MAYA Abdominal Massage Benefits. Schedule your healing

Maya abdominal massage is an ancient modality of healing practiced by traditional Maya healers and mid wives for thousands of years. The primary aim of the Arvigo techniques of Maya abdominal massage is to increase energy and circulation of blood, lymph fluid and nerve impulse to the abdominal and pelvic organs. As well as to realign organs for optimal function, with particular focus on the proper alignment of the uterus for women. This is achieved through gentle, external message of the abdomen, pelvis and lower back along with simple stretching techniques.

What can I expect in a Maya Massage session?

I incorporate the Arvigo techniques of Maya abdominal massage into a relaxing full body massage session tailored to your individual needs at the time of the session. Each session is intuitively and uniquely guided to help you achieve your personal healing goals. I use a variety of massage techniques including, Swedish massage, gentle stretching, myo facial release, acupressure, reflexology and energy balancing work. My goal is to help you cultivate a conscious positive connection with your body.
For many women, especially those who’ve suffered from reproductive health imbalances, the relationship with there reproductive organs is often negative or even non-existent. Through this modality, I will work with you to release past emotional and/or physical trauma, helping you create a relationship with your body and womb that is positive, love centered, and life enhancing

Prices & Packages

Initial 75 min consultation and treatment, with self care instruction -$150.00
60 min follow up session -$125.00

Follow up packages:
Buy three 60 min for -$325.00 (save $50.00)
Buy six 60 min for -$675.00( save $75.00)

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Today I took my son to an organic cherry farm where we picked cherrys and played in the trees!! They are so good for you too!!! indulge till beginning of july. go pick some or buy ! Make sure you choose organic.Cherries are not only delicious, they're also good for you. Here are seven reasons to include them in your diet.

Cherries have gained fame as one of nature's most powerful anti-inflammatories, which means they're beneficial for many different conditions. This is due to the anthocyanins in cherries that researchers have found prevent free radical damage and inhibit cyclooxygenase enzymes better than many anti-inflammatory drugs.

Arthritis Benefits
According to the Arthritis Foundation, drinking tart cherry juice mixed with water three times a day may be beneficial for people with arthritis. This is due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Heart Health
A study at the University of Michigan found that a diet that includes a lot of cherries lowers all the overall risk factors for heart disease, including inflammation, body fat, and cholesterol.

Cancer Protection
Researchers have found sweet cherries to be cancer fighters thanks to their high level of an antioxidant called cyanidin. Cyanidin is an important free radical scavenger and may also promote cellular differentiation, an important process in the body's fight against cancerous cells.

Memory Booster
Anthocyanin is also good for the brain and has been shown to improve memory.

High in Beta Carotene
Cherries are high in beta carotene, containing 19 times more than blueberries or strawberries.

Sleep Aid
Cherries contain melatonin, a hormone that regulates the body's sleep cycles.