Saturday, December 11, 2010


If you are looking for a dry skin remedy, look no farther than your kitchen pantry. You can make a dry skin natural remedy just by combining common foods and applying them to the skin. Some foods act as an internal remedy for dry skin as well. Some of the ingredients that can be used in a home remedy for extremely dry skin are honey, yogurt, olive oil, and oatmeal. Some herb teas are useful, too, as are a variety of other fruits and seeds.

Honey, a dry skin natural remedy, is a substance that is healing to the skin. When applied to the skin it is healing and moisturizing. It helps dead skin cells move from the surface and stimulates renewal and regrowth of skin tissues. It is also antibacterial. In severe cases, you can put honey on skin that needs a bandage. It will keep the bandage from sticking to the wounded skin. Yogurt can be used as a skin cleanser, acting as a natural moisturizer. Oatmeal heals and soothes dry skin, and helps the skin to slough off dead skin cells.

Cold-pressed olive oil works as an emollient, which means it soothes and softens. It helps the itching of eczema, which is a itchy skin condition characterized by oozing lesions. Eczema is sometimes associated with dry skin but not always. Olive oil can also be used on the scalp as a remedy for extremely dry skin and hair. Not only can olive oil be used externally, it is also an internal remedy for dry skin, along with other healthy oils. If you suffer from dry skin, try adding some heathful oils to your diet. It doesn't take a lot, as oils are very high in calories. Nuts are full of beneficial oil, as are fatty fish, such as salmon and mackeral.

Certain herb teas work as an internal remedy for dry skin. Use one teaspoon of the dried herb to one cup of boiling water. Remove from heat and let steep for 5 minutes. Covering the cup with a saucer while it is steeping will keep the medicinal properties of the herb from evaporating away. Some herbs that are beneficial as an internal remedy for dry skin problems are marshmallow, dandelion, peppermint, calendula, borage, and chamomile.

Soap and body wash are drying to the skin. You can make an alternative to a bar of soap by tying oatmeal flour or in a cloth tea bag can be used instead of soap. For extra moisturizing, add a little almond meal and aloe vera gel.

The following home remedy for dry skin is a soothing facial mask that can be made from ingredients in your kitchen. Combine an egg yolk with a tablespoon of mayonnaise or yogurt and and another tablespoon of honey. If you use yogurt, add a 1/2 tsp. of almond oil. Apply to skin lightly and let it dry. Wash off gently with warm water. Another healing facial mask that is a remedy for extremely dry skin is to beat an egg and add oat flour to it. You can make oat flour by whizzing oatmeal around in the blender. Spread the mixture on your face and relax for 10 minutes before gently washing it away. Always treat your delicate dry skin with the utmost of care.

Here is an alphabetical list of botanicals (plant products) that have been found beneficial in creating a dry skin natural remedy (to be used on the surface of the skin): aloe vera, apple, apricot pulp, banana pulp, chamomile, comfrey root, coriander seed, elderflower, fennel seed, grape pulp, green tea leaf, honey, kefir, lavender flower, licorice root, mango pulp, marshmallow root, whole milk, oatmeal, rose petals, and yogurt. Add to these whole milk, either cow's or goat's, and the cultured milk products yogurt and kefir. Honey and egg yolk round out the kitchen pharmacy for dry skin solutions. If you wish to try creating your own dry skin solutions using these ingredients, please choose plant products that have not been sprayed with pesticides. Furthermore, don't gather wild herbs that grow near a busy highway. The plants will absorb the exhaust fumes from the traffic and might do more harm than good. If you use seeds, make a strong tea of them by boiling them gently for 10 minutes and then letting them steep for an hour.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Natural cold and flu remedies

The time to treat a cold is when you don't have it.! Prevention is always better than cure. However the same herbs that keep colds and flu at bay, will also help you get rid of it faster.

The common cold is caused by any one of 200 different viruses. When infection occurs , the walls of the respiratory tract swell and produce excess mucus, giving rise to the typical cold symptoms. Symptoms range from sore throat, running nose, nasal congestion, watery eyes to hacking cough, headache, and fever. Most colds run their course in 7-10 days. Recurrent colds (almost constantly suffering) may indicate a lowered immune capacity and too much stress and often not enough sleep.

Colds spread from person to person and are highly contagious. Coughing, sneezing or hand to hand contact will easily pass the virus on. The virus can also live for several hours on everyday surfaces.

Herbal remedies and the ever popular echinacea

One particular herb has recently had a lot of press coverage and marketing as a 'new' cure for colds. Echinacea has in fact been used by America Indians for hundreds of years. It is native to the North America Plains, but varieties of the species are now found on most continents. Echinacea increases levels of properdin, a chemical which activates the part of the immune system responsible for increasing defence mechanisms against virus and bacteria attacks.

Its anti-bacterial effect makes it a good herb for treating many viral and bacterial infections. Echinacea is also an excellent blood cleanser, it helps to sweep dead cells and other debris through the channels of the lymphatic system. And dispatches white blood cells to fight the infection. The best test to determine if you are taking a good, high strength echinacea is the tongue test. After you have taken the tincture, the back of your tongue should feel numb or tingly. This feeling will soon pass, but you know you are using a good quality product. So when you feel the cold coming on - reach for the echinacea tincture. It is important to try to take echinacea before the full onset of a cold or flu to give the best chance of a swift recovery.


No treatment of colds would be complete without Garlic. This pungent herb was highly esteemed by the ancient Egyptians, who ensured that the slaves building the Great Pyramids at Cheops were given a daily supply. The Romans also acknowledged garlic's strengthening powers and fed it to their soldiers before battle. Garlic has anti-bacterial properties that help the immune system to fight infection, it is an excellent boost to the immune system. The reason for this is garlic contains several helpful compounds, including allicin, one of the plant kingdom's most potent antibiotics. Garlic combines well with echinacea and together make a strong fighting force against infections.

Onion is a close relative of Garlic and has similar properties, containing similar antiviral chemicals. Use onions and leeks in your cooking when you have a cold or are around people who do.


Ginger is another of natures' antiviral herbs. It contains nearly a dozen antiviral compounds. Ginger is pain relieving, antiseptic and antioxidant. It is valuable for preventing and treating colds, sore throats and inflammation of mucus membranes. Ginger reduces pain and fever and has a mild sedative effect that will encourage rest. And it is tasty! (with no lingering odours!) Drink a tea, or soak fresh ginger in hot water, take as a tincture and include it in your food. Ginger is also delicious in a fruit smoothy (a mix of soft chilled fruits put in a blender).

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is very good for the relief of cold symptoms and to help the body fight infection. The best source of vitamins is always fresh fruit and vegetables. Citrus fruit is especially high in vitamin C. Combine orange, pineapple, seedless grapes, lots of fresh ginger, banana, pink grapefruit, cantaloupe in a blender. Add orange juice if more liquid is needed. This not only makes a delicious drink, but is healthy and fights that cold.

Don't eat junk food when you have a cold or flu

When you have a cold or flu your body is under a lot of stress, fighting the viral infection. Big, heavy meals take vital energy to digest, resources which your body could be using to fight the infections. An old saying states "Feed a cold and starve a fever". A better saying is "Starve a cold and starve a fever". The best thing to do is drink plenty of liquids - water, fruit juices and if needed soups, but stay away from heavy and highly processed food. High liquid intake is important as the body uses water to carry waste products and toxins to your elimination systems.


Goldenseal is both antiseptic and immune stimulating, increasing blood supply to the spleen. The spleen is the bodies staging area for the fighting cells in your immune system. Berberine is present in goldenseal, and activates macrophages (special white blood cells), which are responsible for destruction of bacteria, fungi, viruses and tumour cells.

Boost your immune system

When you are rundown it is a very good idea to boost your immune system so that your body can fight back. An excellent supplement to use in these circumstance is our Goldenseal, Astragalus and Echinacea combination. We also recommend that you take this with the circulation formula which consists of Garlic, Ginger, Cayenne and Ginkgo Biloba.

Taken together you get the individual benefits of each and they compliment each other. The immune formula is assisted by better circulation. And your circulation improvement will be maximised if your immune system is in good shape. You can find further details of these products here --> The Immune and circulation boosting kit. There is also a discount available there if you choose to buy both of them together.

Other suggestions

Herbalists have been using liquorice to soothe chest and throat complaints since the third century BC. It is used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, throat problems, colds and coughs. Liquorice contains anti-viral compounds that induce the release of interferon, the bodies own anti-viral constituents. It is an expectorant* and anti-inflammatory making it excellent for stubborn coughs and lung infections. As well as being a soothing herb, liquorice tastes nice! Large doses can act as a laxative.

*expectorant: promoting the secretion, liquefaction or expulsion of sputum (mass or salivary matter ejected from the mouth) from the respiratory passages.

Sage is a traditional remedy of long standing for soothing sore throats as it has antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties. For an inflamed throat and hoarseness use a hot sage infusion or gargle with a sage, apple cider vinegar and honey mix. In feverish conditions, sage is very cooling. Take as a tea or tincture.

Peppermint is a valuable expectorant* in the treatment of bronchitis, colds and flu. It reduces fevers by inducing sweating and cooling the body. It is also a painkiller for headaches and some migraines. It is a soothing decongestant and makes an effective inhalation for clearing blocked sinuses.

Other herbs which will assist in combating and relieving colds are:

Lemon Balm: Lemon Balm tea promotes sweating. This is good for feverish colds as it helps to eliminate the toxins from the body.

Blackberry: More commonly know as Bramble. The fruit is rich in vitamin C. The leaves can be used to make a cleansing tea, or make a poultice from fresh, lightly boiled leaves.

Borage: A versatile herb, borage promotes sweating and has expectorant* properties, both of which are beneficial for feverish, chesty colds.

Catnip: Catnip or Catmint, promotes perspiration and a hot infusion is good for feverish colds and flu's. Catnip is also a muscle relaxant and mild sedative so will help to induce sleep.

Cinnamon: Will stop vomiting and relieve feelings of nausea. Take as a tea. Cinnamon oil also had anti-bacterial properties.

Fenugreek: Has expectorant qualities. It is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and soothing. It can ease coughs and sore throats.

Juniper: Steam inhalations of Juniper is beneficial for relieving congestion in coughs and colds. Add a few drops of the oil to hot boiled water, place your face over the bowl, cover with a towel, and inhale the steam.

Lemon: Lemons are a rich source of vitamin c, and taken hot in a hot lemon and honey drink, is a traditional remedy for colds and sore throats.

Yarrow: Yarrow has anti-inflammatory properties, and a hot yarrow tea will promote sweating. Many herbalists consider yarrow to be one of the principle herbal remedies for fever, feverish colds and flu. It is often taken in combination with elderflower and peppermint. Or try adding a strong infusion of yarrow and camomile to a warm bath.

Lionesshealing is BACK!!!!!

I have been away for a while I was having issues loggin in. Lots of new yummy post too follow. 1luv

Thursday, September 2, 2010


You will be amazed at just how easy it is to make a natural lip balm to protect your lips through the dry winter months. Most commercial products have questionable chemical ingredients that our great-grandmothers would surely refuse to use. I chose apricot oil because it is light and easy for our lips to absorb. I infused it with calendula because it speeds the healing of chapped lips and makes them soft. I also infused it with lemon balm because it has excellent antiviral properties to combat cold sores. The peppermint adds soothing, cooling properties to sore cracked lips. I hope you like it, but remember that you can always use the herbs and flavours that suit you best.


1 cup apricot oil + 1 tsp wheat germ oil
1/4 cup calendula petals
1/4 cup lemon balm leaves
1/4 cup grated beeswax
1 tsp liquid honey (or less)
1/4 tsp peppermint essential oil (or less)
Stainless steel strainer
Stainless steel spoon
20 x 15 ml amber glass jars


Bruise the lemon balm and calendula together with a mortar and pestle (or crush together with your fingers) and put in a double boiler pot. Cover with the oil and mix. If you do not have at least an inch of oil above the herbs, add more. The wheat germ acts as a natural preservative. Simmer the infused oil over very low heat heat for at least one hour taking care not to boil the herbs. Stir occasionally. Remove from heat and strain the herbs out through a cheesecloth-lined strainer. Squeeze out all the oil through the sludge and add herbs to the compost. Put one cup of the oil infusion back in the pot over low heat and add the beeswax. Stir until melted. Let the mixture cool a bit before adding the peppermint oil and honey. Stir once or twice only as to not evaporate the highly volatile essential oil. Pour immediately into jars. Let cool and cap. label and give them out for extra special Christmas stocking stuffers to share with the postman, your favourite cashier, the babysitter, etc. because believe me you have plenty. Put a thin layer over moist lips several times a day. Enjoy.

Saturday, August 28, 2010





PASSIONFLOWER TINCTURE: is a powerful relaxant to the nervous system important in the treatments of anxiety, tension, insomnia, and for those coming off of synthetic tranquilizers and sleeping pills. May also be used to help lower high blood pressure in some countries it is used to treat children for hyperactivity, convulsions and hysteria there is some evidence that Passionflower is useful for eye irritations, inflamed eyes, dimness of vision, and eye tension

NASTURIUM TINCTURE: The herb's mustard oils are antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial; these properties can help to treat infections, colds, flu and digestive upsets that stem from an overgrowth of yeast or from parasites. Nasturtium also boosts the immune system, which helps the body to resist infections. Further, it stimulates the appetite, promotes digestion and supports metabolism. Mildly warming, nasturtium makes an ideal chest plaster for coughs.


DANDELION TINCTURE: detoxification agent, the root of the dandelion herb is considered to be one of the most effective and beneficial herbal remedies. The waste products accumulated in the liver and the gall bladder is removed by this herbal remedy and it principally affects the functioning of the liver and the gallbladder. The kidneys are also stimulated by the dandelion at the same time and it enables the rapid removal toxins through the urine produced. The root of the dandelion is known to be a remarkably well balanced herbal remedy, the steady and gradual elimination of toxins accumulating in the body due to infection or pollution is accelerated by the root of the dandelion. In the treatment of a variety of conditions, the dandelion possesses major and effective therapeutic benefits, these include the treatment of persistent constipation, the treatment of various types of skin problems, including acne, and eczema, and diseases like psoriasis. The root also treats other types of arthritic conditions, including severe conditions such as osteoarthritis, and disorders like gout.

The gallbladder is markedly affected by both the dandelion root and the dandelion leaf remedies, these herbal remedies can also be used to prevent the formation of gallstones in the gallbladder. If gallstones are already present, then the remedy made from the dandelion leaf may still help, by dissolving such gallstones aiding in their elimination.

Various conditions such as warts, all types of fungus infections, and malignant growths within the body and on the outside, the presence of ulceration in the urinary passages can all be treated using the herbal remedies made from the dandelion. The remedies made from the dandelion possess a laxative action, they can be used to treat disorders in the stomach, and the herb promotes healthy circulation in the body, it also tones the skin, and is considered a cleanser and strengthener of blood vessels. Rheumatism is cured by the remedies made from the dandelion, it can also be used in the treatment of badly affected arthritic joints, and as an herbal remedy it is a marvelous and effective general tonic. A fine herbal wine can be produced from the dandelion, it is furthermore used in the manufacture of a great herbal beer, the dried herb is an excellent substitute for coffee, it is used in the manufacture of an excellent food for birds, it is used to rear bees in apiculture, it is fed to pigs and rabbits in the farm, and even people consume the plant as food.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


The Rastas use herbs, barks, roots and natural local organic fruits and vegetables as their medicine. There is a large overlap between ital food and rasta medicine as food is the medicine. Prevention is better than cure and it is well known now that a primarily alkaline diet of fruits, including roots and bark, vegetables and herbs keeps the body healthy and vital.

The Rastafarian livity originated in Jamaica and Jamaica is abundant in delicious exotic medicinal fruits and spice trees, a large selection of tropical vegetables, coconuts and plant herbal medicine. The Jamaican natural healing and herbology has a rich history, beginning with the Arawak Indians and continuing on through to the introduction of African Plant Medicines later in history. Jamaican natural medicine was also influenced by the Indian peoples, the Chinese, the Syrians and the Europeans.

Rastas have a natural affinity with nature, a keen intellect and a vast legacy from their forefathers and with this they developed their own treatments for common ailments. Tonics for strength, libido, cold and stomach aches, toothaches and infections. Maroon medicine is legendary and if they couldn’t treat themselves they died. They utilized nature’s resources around them and they were masters of that. The basic principle here is utilizing preventative medicine through eating local fresh organic fruits, vegetables and herbs, and also by accessing local plants and local knowledge about those plants growing around you, so they can be used to treat common everyday human illnesses and states of mind. An example of this is if you have no energy, you are likely to feel down.

Every place on the planet has it’s own herbal plant pharmacy growing in the ground. Jamaica has it’s own set of very strong powerful local plants, just as Australia has. The Australian Aborigines has been utilizing their bush medicines for many thousands of years and the elders know instinctively which root bark or leaf can be used for a particular problem. The same goes for all other indigenous people of their lands.

Rasta is a way of life and in this mad modern world we live in with new illness springing up everyday and many more people, it is vital that people access their own rasta medicine growing around them. Some of these plants are more well known like Ginger root Coconut and living Aloe vera. Others not so well known like Kola nut, Periwinkle and Bitter Gourd. Hospital treatment and pharmaceutical drugs are an absolute last resort. The average person can prevent illness and treat common everyday problems themselves if they only know the secrets locked up in the plants around them.

With the threat of stronger and stronger strains of influenza and infectious bacteria, it is more important than ever to have access to some of your own plants for healing. They are cheap and quick and easy to access in a hurry. Build your immune system, keep your blood clean your system will remain strong and well.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Picking herbs...


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Home Made Hand Sanitizer

SO many of the hand sanitizer available leave your hands dry and are full of chemicals that we dont need!!!!!!

Here is a simple recipes to make your own!!!

It's quick and easy to make your own natural, waterless hand sanitizer.

Gather Your Ingredients

1 cup aloe vera gel
1 tsp rubbing alcohol
2 tsp vegetable glycerin
8-10 drops tea tree essential oil or lavender essential oil

Simply blend all of the ingredients together and store.

Decide Where You are Going to Store Your Sanitizer

Be creative! You can recycle old liquid soap or hand sanitizer dispensers. You can also purchase a beautiful glass jar with a pump top to store and display your sanitizer. Think out of the box. If you find some nice glass jars and then add your own label, you can give home made sanitizers as gifts to family and friends!

Choose Essential Oils Carefully

The original recipe calls for tea tree or lavender oil, but you can be creative and use other types of essential oils as well. I like to pull out a list of oils that have antibacterial AND antiviral properties and make a blend that suits the season. Look at the properties of citrus oils, especially. Use oils that suit your likes as far as scents are concerned but will still add the cleansing properties appropriate for a hand sanitizer.

Use Sparingly

Your home made hand sanitizer will not dissolve into your hands as quickly or effectively as the commercial hand sanitizers you buy in the store. It is better to err on the side of too little than to end up wiping excess sanitizer off of your hands later. Waste not - want not!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


This is a question I'm often asked when people find out what I do for a living. one of the many things I do for a living :)
Since becoming a birth doula, my life has become unpredictable, ever-changing, exhausting and full of wonder and miracles.
As a doula, personal freedom is a thing of the past. I carry a cell phone wherever I go.

When the phone rings in the middle of the night, I have to wake up alert and cheerful, and not become resentful if it's a nervous soon-to-be mom or dad with a question. If it's a mom in labor, I need to be wide awake, fully alert, showered, with my teeth brushed, birth bag packed, birth ball inflated in a matter of minutes. I have to be on the road, having eaten a meal that will sustain me for a while, kissed my family good-bye, made arrangements for my next day's appointments to be canceled or changed, and notified my back-up.

When I attend a birth, I'm on my feet for an average of 24 hours, my hands, arms and back aching from massaging and applying counter pressure to a laboring woman's lower back. I've been thrown up on, bled on, punched, pinched, bitten (twice), yelled at and sworn at. I've missed birthdays, anniversaries, movies, dinners, parties, time with my son and sleep -- lots of sleep!

I've met so many incredible women and have been privileged to witness them as they discovered a strength inside themselves that they never knew they had, and that they will have forever. I've witnessed the first breath, first sight, first cry, first taste of nourishment from mother's breast for so many amazing newborns. I've seen couples bond in a way that even they didn't know was possible. I've seen men cry for the first time in their adult lives.

I've helped partners become totally involved in the birth of their child, much to the surprise and delight of the laboring woman, who thought she had hired me because she wouldn't get any support from her partner. I encourage the partner's participation and help empower the couple so that by the time the baby is born, they are strong and bonded, working together to nurture their new baby.

I've heard doctors and nurses admit that a client of mine would have had a cesarean delivery if I hadn't been there, and that they (the medical staff) had never seen a natural birth in their entire careers ... and that I've changed forever their perspective on birth.

The first time a nurse said she was amazed by the completely natural, unmedicated birth she'd just witnessed -- her first in several years of being an OB/GYN nurse, I would have thought she joking if she hadn't been so obviously awestruck. The second time I heard it, I was even more surprised because I could no longer believe the first instance had been a fluke. And when a doctor said it, I knew that I was not only being a doula to my client, but to all the women these nurses and doctor would work with in the future. These medical personnel now believed that a woman could give birth, without any medical intervention, and that belief, in itself, would help more women believe in themselves.

So, what's it like to be a doula? It's the best job I've ever had, and I've had plenty, from dog walker to waitress to massage therapist to nanny! If you've given birth, that will help, but it's not a requirement. What you need is a calm and gentle presence, an innate belief in a woman's ability to give birth and a willingness to support another woman's goals for her birth, even if they don't match your own goals. You'll need to be able to temporarily suspend your own life and the concerns that go with it while you totally focus on a woman who is working so hard to bring a new life into the world - and you are rewarded by getting to be there as a witness to this miracle!

Being a birth doula is an honor and a privilege. I feel so lucky to be allowed to become a part of another family, however briefly, during this most intimate and loving time in their lives.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Herbal Healing

These days more and more people are turning towards herbal medicines for healing different health problems. Herbal remedy involves the use of natural health products which can help to keep your body as healthy as you possibly can. They come in various forms; natural health products and medicines both for internal as well as external use. Herbal remedy is the use of natural herbs for many medicinal purposes. These herbs include everything from roots, flowers, branches, bark and fruits. It is believed to be the oldest form of healthcare known to mankind. Herbs had been used by all cultures throughout history.


Herbal remedies are very beneficial as they not only to heal the sickness but also treats the root cause of the disease. Even chronic diseases can be healed such as respiratory problem, gastrointestinal disorder, and immune system deficiency by making your body strong and helping in recovery. Herbal medicines are given to heal pain syndromes, neurological disorders, stress related syndromes, heart problems, sexual dysfunction, allergies and immune system deficiencies. They can be given in place of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

The best thing about these herbal remedies is that they have very less chances of side effects as compared to pharmaceutical medicines. Now people are even opting herbal medicines to treatments such as chemotherapy as they help to reduce the side effects caused by chemotherapy. As everything used is natural; they are safe. Even small treatment such as taking antibiotics can weaken your immune system so herbal medicines can help strengthen your system.

Crystal Healing

Crystal therapy or crystal healing is a form of vibrational medicine. Crystal therapy involves the application of crystals or gemstones to facilitate healing.

Gemstones house spiritual and healing properties that can be tapped into a variety of ways. Crystals can be carried or worn on the person, or placed in a location where their healing vibrations can be felt by whomever is nearby. Healers also place stones on their clients' reclined bodies to balance the chakras and aura.

Each type of stone has its own unique talent. Gemstone colors, shapes, and textures all have special meanings. Crystal elixirs can be made by soaking crystals for a few hours in a glass of water. Healing crystals are used for divination and meditation purposes. You can intuitively choose which crystals to use by noticing which stones you are attracted to. Keep your heart and hands open and allow the appropriate healing crystals to find their way to you.

Pregnancy Massage

Massage during pregnancy offers undeniable physical benefits. stimulate your lymphatic system, increasing immunity and the removal of excess toxins, while also stabilizing hormonal levels and balancing the glandular system. Hormonal changes can cause depression and anxiety during pregnancy, which is why many expecting mothers can find relief.

My specialties

Trigger point work is specifically designed to alleviate the source of the pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release. In this type of massage the recipient actively participates through deep breathing as well as identifying the exact location and intensity of the discomfort.Trigger point work is specifically designed to alleviate the source of the pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release. In this type of massage the recipient actively participates through deep breathing as well as identifying the exact location and intensity of the discomfort.Trigger point work is specifically designed to alleviate the source of the pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release. In this type of massage the recipient actively participates through deep breathing as well as identifying the exact location and intensity of the discomfort.

Swedish massage is exceptional for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension.

Deep tissue massage is similar to Swedish massage but is used to target knots and release chronic muscle tension. Other benefits include reducing inflammation and helping to eliminate scar tissue. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons, and fascia (the protective layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints).

Deep tissue massage uses strokes across the grain of the muscles, not with the grain as in Swedish massage. The more intense movements and techniques such as deep finger pressure may be slightly uncomfortable and cause soreness that lasts a couple of days before resulting in the desired relaxation and pain relief.