Tuesday, May 31, 2011

MAYA massage

In a few weeks I will be attending a course in Washington DC for MAYA massage. I am so looking foward to adding this to my list of healing techniques.

Benefits of Traditional Maya Massage Treatment for Women and Men
Women with infertility and menopause concerns and men with prostate problems can benefit from Traditional Maya Massage non-invasive external abdominal massage.
Traditional Maya Massage is a noninvasive massage technique that benefits women and men as an additional support to traditional health care to enhance health and wellness. Traditional Maya Massage addresses problems for women and men such as prolapsed or displaced uterus, prostate and digestion problems. For Women
Normally the uterus leans slightly over the bladder in the center of the pelvis, about one and a half inches above the pubic bone. It is held in this position by muscles, the vaginal wall and ligaments that attach it to the back, front, and sides of the pelvis. Uterine ligaments are made to stretch to accommodate a growing fetus inside and to move freely when the bladder or bowel is full. The ligaments and muscles can weaken and loosen, causing the uterus to fall downward, forward, backward or to either side.

The uterus in any of these positions is called tilted or prolapsed. Modern medicine has little or nothing to offer women with this problem. Options may include using the birth control pill, muscle relaxants, or surgery and women are generally told, "your uterus is tipped, but that is normal and don't worry about it." Yet women have a laundry list of physical and emotional symptoms that can be addressed and prevented with these simple, noninvasive massage techniques to correct a prolapsed or displaced uterus. When reproductive organs shift, they can constrict normal flow of blood and lymph, and disrupt nerve connections. Just a few extra ounces sitting on blood and lymph vessels can cause havoc throughout the different systems in the body. By shifting the uterus back into place, homeostasis, or the natural balance of the body, is restored in the pelvic area and the surrounding organs. Toxins are flushed and nutrients that help to tone tissue and balance hormones are restored to normal order. This is essential for healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

Old adhesions from invasive treatments to the pelvic and abdominal area, including fibroid tumors, endometriosis, and cesarean delivery are diminished when addressed by uterine massage. In addition, digestion, urinary and bladder problems can be helped.

For Men
Men benefit greatly from Maya Abdominal Massage techniques as well. By ensuring a full blood supply to the prostate, the abdominal massage helps to prevent swelling and inflammation. Men report that they can feel a distinct difference in blood flow after a treatment. Not only does the massage relieve prostate swelling, but it helps alleviate varicose veins, premature ejaculation, some impotency problems and the need to urinate frequently.

Digestive and Emotional Benefits for Men and Women
Individuals with digestive disorders benefit greatly from Maya Abdominal Massage. Many of our common disorders such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Indigestion, Constipation, and heartburn are treated with antacids, muscle relaxants, and a variety of other medications. These treatments address symptoms, not the causes. By using the techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage, the upper abdomen is also given a deep, thorough massage to loosen the tight muscles around the stomach and the arteries that feed the digestive and eliminative organs with their vital blood supply. The diaphragm is gently massaged allowing relaxation of tight musculature.

Thursday, May 26, 2011




Please pass this on to as many women as possible.
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If you are a woman and use pads, but, especially if you use tampons, read this and pass on to your friends (for the men reading this, please forward it to your friends, significant others, sisters, mothers, daughters, etc.) thanks!

Check the labels of the sanitary pads or tampons that you are going to buy the next time, and see whether you spot any of the familiar signs stated in this email. No wonder so many women in the world suffer from cervical cancer and womb tumors. Have you heard that tampon makers include asbestos in tampons? Why would they do this? Because asbestos makes you bleed more, if you bleed more, you're going to need to use more. Why isn't this against the law since asbestos is so dangerous? Because the powers that be, in all their wisdom (not), did not consider tampons as being ingested, and, therefore, didn't consider them illegal or dangerous. This month's Essence magazine has small article about this and they mention two manufacturers of a cotton tampon alternative. The companies are Organic Essentials @(1-800) 765-6491 and Terra Femme@ (800)755-0212.

A woman getting her Ph.D. at University of Colorado at Boulder sent the following:

"I am writing this because women are not being informed about the dangers of something most of us use tampons. I am taking a class this month and I have been learning a lot about biology and woman, including much about feminine hygiene. Recently we have learned that tampons are actually dangerous (for other reasons than TSS). I'll tell you this- after learning about this in our class, most of the females wound up feeling angry and upset with the tampon industry, and I for one, am going to do something about it. To start, I want to inform everyone I can, and email is the fastest way that I know how. "


Tampons contain two things that are potentially harmful: Rayon (for absorbency),and dioxin (a chemical used in bleaching the products). The tampon industry is convinced that we, as women, need bleached white products in order to view the product as pure and clean. The problem here is that the dioxin produced in this bleaching process can lead to very harmful problems for a woman. Dioxin is potentially carcinogenic (cancer-associated) and is toxic to the immune and reproductive systems. It has also been linked to endometriosis and lower sperm counts for men. For both sexes, it breaks down the immune system. Last September, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reported that there really is no set "acceptable" level of exposure to dioxin given that it is cumulative and slow to disintegrate. The real danger comes from repeated contact(Karen Couppert "Pulling the Plug on the Tampon Industry"). I'd say using about 4-5 tampons a day, five days a month, for 38 menstruating years is "repeated contact", wouldn't you? Rayon contributes to the danger of tampons and dioxin because it is a highly absorbent substance. Therefore, when fibers from the tampons are left behind in the vagina (as usually occurs), it creates a breeding ground for the dioxin. It also stays in a lot longer than it would with just cotton tampons. This is also the reason why TSS (toxic shock syndrome) occurs.


Using feminine hygiene products that aren't bleached and that are all cotton. Other feminine hygiene products (pads/napkins) contain dioxin as well, but they are not nearly as dangerous since they are not in direct contact with the vagina. The pads/napkins need to stop being bleached, but, obviously, tampons are the most dangerous. So, what can you do if you can't give up using tampons? Use tampons that are made from 100% cotton, and that are UNBLEACHED. Unfort!unately, there are very few companies that make these safe tampons. They are usually only found in health food stores. Countries all over the world (Sweden, Germany, British Columbia, etc.) have demanded a switch to this safer tampon, while the U.S. has decided to keep us in the Dark about it. In 1989, activists in England mounted a campaign against chlorine bleaching. Six weeks and 50,000 letters later, the makers of sanitary products switched to oxygen bleaching (one of the green methods available) (MS magazine, May/June 1995). Even better...EVER HEARD OF THE KEEPER? The KEEPER is made of pure gum rubber - the same material that is used in baby bottle nipples. Put an end to disposable products. www.keeper.com
I personally use Sea Sponges.
Natural Sea Sponge tampons are made from "sea sponges" that naturally grow in theoceans and can be cultivated and harvested like any "land crop." After the sea sponge reaches harvest-size, they are then harvested and are thencleaned, disinfected, trimmed and re-shaped to "vagina-size."

Sea Sponge Tampons are worn inside the vagina just like a tampon duringmenstruation, and they absorb the menstrual flow just like a tampon. Unlike a tampon, a natural sea sponge tampon can be reused over and over again -of course, you will want to disinfect each Sea Sponge Tampon before re-insertinginto the vagina!

Sea Sponge Tampons are similar to regular tampons in that they are comfortable to wear, they work like a tampon, and have the added benefit that they will not dry out your vagina like a typical tampon will toward the end ofyour period.


Tell people.


Inform them.

We are being manipulated by this industry and the government, let's do something about it!

Please write to the companies: Tampax (Tambrands), Playtex, O.B., Kotex.

Call the 800 numbers listed on the boxes.

Let them know that we demand a safe product - ALL-COTTON UNBLEACHED TAMPONS.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


For centuries people have been using natural apple cider vinegar as both a food and a medicine for themselves and for their pets.
Since 400BC, Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, and others, have used vinegar and vinegar mixed with honey, as an energizing tonic and a healing elixir.
More recently, the health benefits of apple cider vinegar have been promoted by many well-known authors such as Dr Jarvis, Paul C. Bragg and Patricia Bragg.
D.C. Jarvis, a Vermont country doctor, noted that apple cider vinegar was a respected home remedy used by many Vermonters to successfully treat a number of common ailments and nagging aches and pains.
He was so impressed that he went on to write a book on his observations and experimentations with home remedies, especially apple cider vinegar, and its beneficial effects on both people and farm animals.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

First let me say that apple cider vinegar is a completely natural product, resulting from the fermentation of apple juice to hard apple cider followed by a second fermentation to apple cider vinegar.
This natural product retains all the nutritional goodness of the apples from which it was made plus it is fortified with the extra acids and enzymes produced during the two fermentation steps.
It's the sum of all these ingredients that give apple cider vinegar its amazing health benefits.

Apple cider vinegar benefits include many external uses as well. It can be used to sooth sunburns and insect bites, to make your hair shine, and to treat dandruff just to mention a few. Click on the Hair Care or Home Remedies section for more details on these and many more uses.

Apple cider vinegar fits in well with today's trend towards eating natural healthy whole foods, and away from the overconsumption of highly processed convenience foods, which are depleted of much of their original nutrients.

Beware – Not all apple cider vinegars are created equal!
Many commercial apple cider vinegars have been pasteurized, filtered, refined or distilled in order to make the product look good, and thereby more appealing to the general public.
Unfortunately this extra processing destroys much of the healthy goodness and thus many of the apple cider benefits that were in the product in the first place.

The best type of apple cider vinegar to use is one made from cold pressed, organically grown whole apples, in which no chemicals or preservatives have been added, which contains the "mother of vinegar", and is not pasteurized. The "mother of vinegar" is a natural gelatinous substance formed during the last fermentation step.
This type of wholesome apple cider vinegar can be readily found in most health food stores and can be conveniently purchased online.

Alternatively, you can brew your own nutritious apple cider vinegar at home. It's surprisingly easy to do and the whole family can be involved.
For a step-by-step procedure on the home preparation of apple cider vinegar, click on the Homemade Vinegar section.

Weight Loss
Another major apple cider vinegar benefit is weight loss. Although no one is sure how it works, it has helped many people lose weight.

Animals love apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar benefits for our pets, from cats and dogs to pigeons and parrots to cows and horses, are numerous. It can be used as a daily health tonic, to deter insects such as mosquitoes, fleas and tics, to relieve skin conditions, and even to take away the smell of skunk. For details on these and many more uses, check out the Pet Care section.

Cooking with apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is an amazingly versatile cooking ingredient. It adds a tangy taste to many drinks and deepens the flavors of numerous foods. Its important to note that vinegar is a major ingredient in most condiments. Mayonnaise and tomato ketchup account for more than 10% of the vinegar production in America.

Other uses!
Besides the apple cider vinegar benefits for health, its use for weight loss, pet care, and cooking, it can also double up as a non-toxic household cleaner, deodorizer, and disinfectant.

Thursday, May 19, 2011



Anxiety is something that we all experience sometimes. All of us experience a wide range of emotions, both positive and negative. Negative emotions such as anger, fear, and apprehension are normal human responses to unpleasant or dangerous situations, and are in fact necessary for survival. Sometimes however, these emotions get out of hand and occur without any stimulus, even to the point of disrupting our daily activities and harming our health.

Anxiety Symptoms
Anxiety Disorder Symptoms
Like many psychological problems, an anxiety disorder is a little difficult to detect, particularly as many of the symptoms are normal human responses. The key difference however is that these responses occur without any stimulus. Sometimes the individual is almost constantly in a state of worry, while others may experience sudden, unprovoked “anxiety attacks”.

Some of the symptoms of anxiety disorder include:
- Constant state of apprehension
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Fatigue and exhaustion
- Inability to concentrate
- Chest pain
- Headaches
- Breathlessness
- Nausea
- Indigestion
- Insomnia
- Inability to calm down or relax

Anxiety Causes
Anxiety Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet
No specific cause of anxiety
Unlike a physical disease or medical condition, there are no specific causes of anxiety. A variety of causes can combine to have a negative effect on a person, ultimately resulting in an anxiety disorder. The body’s chemical processes, one’s life experiences, and many other factors play a role. There can be specific elements of your life and environment that make you anxious and contribute to the problem of anxiety, such as work pressure, academic expectations, or major illness, or there can be a general existential crisis. Constant worry can cause panic attacks.

Anxiety Remedies
Anxiety home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers

Aromatherapy is a good treatment for anxiety, and you can do it on your own. Lavender oil is particularly effective, but you can also use jasmine or sandalwood.

Vitamin deficiencies - Vitamin B in particular can often cause anxiety. Try taking a daily supplement of a B-complex tablet.

Learn some meditation and yoga techniques to calm yourself. If nothing else, closing your eyes and breathing deeply will do. These techniques can be used whenever you start to get an anxiety attack, and also as part of your daily routine.

A daily workout will help you calm down. The physical exertion itself helps fight anxiety, plus it prompts your body to produce certain chemicals that calm you and make you feel good.

When you feel an anxiety attack coming on, you can have a cold shower or soak in a warm bath, whichever works for you.

Drink water or tea
When you start to feel stressed out, drink a whole glass of water, or else sit back and sip a cup of tea.

Anxiety Diet
Anxiety : Home Remedies suggested by users
General Anxiety Relief Guidelines
There is no specific diet for anxiety, but certain foods and food habits can certainly make a difference. You can experiment on your own, but ensure that you differentiate between unhealthy “comfort food” and healthy food that is actually making a difference to your condition. You might be quite happy eating a greasy burger, but a fruit snack instead might make you feel better in the long run.

Some general guidelines for anxiety relief include:
- Drink adequate amounts of water daily.
- Make sure that you get all the necessary vitamins and minerals. If necessary, ask your doctor about supplements.
- Cut down on alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine.
- Eat more complex carbohydrates.

Other Suggestions for Anxiety
Anxiety Suggestions
For a severe anxiety disorder, there is no option other than getting professional help. There are two main approaches to anxiety disorder treatment:

This method of treatment basically involves taking the help of a psychiatrist or a professional counselor to identify the behavioral or psychological causes of the anxiety disorder. The psychiatrist or counselor will then help you change these patterns of behavior and thinking, and help you react to situations in a more positive way.

There are a variety of drugs that are used to treat anxiety disorders, including sedatives and antidepressants. These drugs work, but they do have their side effects, including the possibility of dependency. They are therefore to be used only under professional guidance, and only if other measures are found to be ineffective

Monday, May 16, 2011

I swear by a hot bath every night.Try it!!!!

After a really stressful day there’s something strangely appealing to running a hot bath and soaking your troubles away. But few people understand the true benefits on your body of this simple yet satisfying Stress Relief Technique.

Water after all, is nature’s healer as it has positive effects on your skin and muscles. It helps to stimulate nerve reflexes and it calms your internal organs.

Combined with a stress relief CD a hot bath is the perfect Natural Stress Relief technique to release that built up tension.

But wait there’s more. A recent study from the Mayo Clinic found soaking in a hot bath provides similar benefits to exercising without all the extra strain on the heart. Soaking in a hot bath increases your heart rate while it lowers your blood pressure. How does this work? When you first get into a hot bath it speeds up your heart to send blood to the surface and disperse extra body heat into the air. After a couple of minutes the warm blood causes your blood vessels to dilate, which decreases the resistance to blood flow and lowers your blood pressure.

A few other benefits of a hot bath include:

—> Overcoming Insomnia

—> It stimulates sweating and the release of toxins

—> With the addition of Epsom salts it helps arthritis and rheumatism

—> With sea salt it promotes healing and prevents infection

—> Promotes Stress Relief and Relaxation

When you’re feeling really stressed give a hot bath a go. It will release your built up tension. While soaking you can read a book, meditate to a stress relief CD, listen to music, or simply just sit and relax.