Thursday, March 29, 2012

Join me for this workshop presented by your truly!

Arvigo Techniques Of Maya Abdominal Therapy Workshop

April 22nd,2012 6pm

This workshop is designed for anyone interested to improve personal health and wellness, and is intended to address common symptoms of organ displacement and the benefits of Self-Care massage. Below is a list of signs and symptoms that the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage can help.
• Displaced or prolapsed uterus and/or bladder
• Painful periods and ovulation
• Irregular menstrual cycles and ovulations
• Bladder or yeast infections
• Miscarriages, difficult pregnancies
• Endometriosis
• Peri menopause, menopausal symptoms
• Infertility
• PMS/Depression with menstruation
• Ovarian cysts
• Uterine fibroids
• Abnormal uterine bleeding
• Enhances pregnancy, aids in labor and delivery
** This workshop is not intended to prepare an individual to apply this technique professionally**
Content of this one-day class will include the following:
• Introduction to Traditional Healing
• Review of Anatomy and Physiology (Brief)
• Review of Signs and Symptoms of Displaced Organs – male and female
• Contraindications
• Expectations /Benefits of the massage• Demo of technique
• Group Practice of Self Massage
• Limitations of practice – to Self ONLY
This workshop will be presented by Maya Marquez LMT, Self Care Instructor and practitioner of The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Massage. Maya Marquez has been a holistic practitioner since 2003 helping hundreds of men and women with her intuitive touch and nurturing presence.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Health Benefits of HUGS!

A hug is a universal medicine, it is how we handshake from the heart. -Anonymous

For decades we’ve known that babies won’t thrive without physical holding and affection. There is little that will comfort and settle small children as the warm embrace of their family. Yet it is still not uncommon for parents to stop hugging their kids as they reach puberty. And for many adults, the amount of physical nurturing we receive declines as we age, even as medical studies confirm that the health benefits of physical touch extend throughout our lives.

We lose touch with each other early in our adult lives as our needs for physical affection are confused with our emerging sexuality. Our discomfort and lack of understanding about our sexuality inadvertently colors our capacity to connect even in something as benign as a hug. I listened with both shock and grief as my 13-year-old daughter shared how she was warned at school with a PDA for hugging her boyfriend. “You can’t hug for more than 2 seconds,” she said. Much of our mistrust of physical affection is learned and the rigid personal boundary space we establish in response often only serves to later prevent our earnest desires to connect.

Virgina Satir, who was often referred to as the mother of family therapy, determined that “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need twelve hugs a day for growth.” Her presumption is backed by research, which consistently demonstrates that our emotional wellbeing is deeply impacted by the physical love we experience and that touch and hugging are primary vehicles in the brain’s development of basic positive emotions. According to Linda Blair, a clinical psychologist at Bath University, “Touch affects the cerebellar brain system, an area of the brain where basic positive emotions such as trust and affection probably come from.”

back to page 1.As in the mind, so in the body as recent medical research at University of North Carolina found that both blood pressure and levels of Cortisol, the hormone produced when we’re under stress, were significantly lowered (particularly in women) when subjects hugged their partners for at least twenty seconds. Another study that took place in 2000 showed that hugging babies while they were given blood tests made them cry less and kept their heart rates steadier. Other studies suggest a strong link between increased hugs and lower risk of heart disease.

In addition to the clear health benefits, hugging also provides a window into the health of your relationship and offers an easy way to improve it. Hugging Until Relaxed is a therapeutic technique that encourages partners to hold each other while in a standing hug. Ultimately, both partners find stability and comfort in the embrace by achieving equilibrium of balance and closeness while holding each other. This technique, introduced by David Schnarch in Passionate Marriage, allows both partners to open up to a deeply intimate space where both are held and fully relaxed. This technique generally translates into better overall communication and more passionate intimacy. Opening up to being held is a powerful metaphor. A relaxed and full embrace allows us to feel and connect bodies in a way that literally couples us.

SO EVERYBODY SHOULD HUG MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Lymphatic Massage Benefits

I have been doing Lymphatic Massage for years now. I have recently gotten back into it. I cannot stress enough how beneficial it is for the mind body and spirit. Everyone should have a lymphatic drainage one to twice a year for maintenance and monthly for chronice conditions. Feel free to book your first lymphatic massage with me.

Lymphatic massage or lymph drainage massage is a technique used to help increase lymph flow.
Increased lymph flow removes harmful substances from the tissues and increases immune function.

Lymphatic massage can be useful in cases of edema, sports injury or for people experiencing a sluggish immune system or those suffering from a lack of energy.

What is the Lymphatic System?

The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in your body's ability heal from injury and ward off disease.
It is essential to the body's drainage system for cleansing and filtering out toxins and bacteria.

Problems With The Lymphatic System

Aches, pains, soreness and flu like symptoms could all be caused by congested lymph pathways.

The Benefits of Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic massage can help to unblock the lymph system by manually cleansing the lymph system in a clockwise fashion.

Performing lymphatic massage correctly can stimulate the opening of the initial lymphatic and increase the volume of lymph flow by as much as 20 times.

Because lymph cleanses nearly every cell in your body the negative effects of chronic lymph blockages include but are not limited to:

o Frequent cold and flu infections

o Joint pain

o Headache and migraine

o Menstrual cramps

o Arthritis

o Loss of appetite

o Fatigue

o Mood irregularities

o Depression

o Acne

o Cellulite

What is Lymphatic Massage?

The use of massage as a healing therapy dates back centuries.
Lymphatic massage was developed in the 1930s and is a delicate form of massage that stimulates the body's lymphatic system.

The lymphatic system has no central pump and depends on muscle contraction through deep breathing, exercise and manual manipulation to move fluid.

Lymphatic massage utilizes a very light pressure combined with soft pumping movements in the direction of the lymph nodes. Immune system function can be significantly increased, improving metabolism and helping the body to eliminate waste and toxins.

A strong immune system makes you feel balanced, happy and whole.

As with most massage, it is vital to drink lots of water after a lymphatic massage to flush away toxins that have been released.

Lymphatic Massage - What can it be used for?

Lymphatic massage has been used for years to enhance the quality of the skin.

o Lymphatic massage aids the increase of lymph flow. When the lymph is flowing as it should, cells are bathed in fresh fluid making the skin look fresh and alive.

Lymphatic massage is also useful for people with sports injuries.

o When applied after neuromuscular massage, lymphatic massage helps to clear the tissue of debris and reduce the minor edema that can occur after deep tissue massage.

o Repeated lymphatic massage whilst healing from a sports injury can help to enhance the tissue regeneration process by keeping the tissue as healthy as possible.

It is thought that lymphatic massage can also help the scarring process by enhancing circulation and immunity.

o Increased lymph flow around the scar stimulates damaged lymph vessels to heal.

o Increased lymph flow draws away toxins improving the health of the tissues.

Another common use of lymph drainage massage is in breast cancer cases.

o Women who have had axillary lymph nodes removed sometimes develop edema in their arm. As long as there is only minor swelling, then a massage therapist with a good knowledge of contraindication and some specific techniques can do a great amount of good.

Lymphatic Massage - Is it Safe?

For the most part lymphatic massage is safe. However as with all massage therapies there are some contra indications. For lymphatic massage specifically, these include acute inflammation, malignant tumors, thrombosis and major heart problems.