Thursday, April 28, 2011


Skin Cancer Prevalence

According to the American Melanoma Foundation, one person dies every hour of every day from skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common human cancer. One million people are diagnosed with new skin cancer every year. One in five Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in their lives. Skin cancer will kill more than 10,850 Americans this year. Skin cancer rates have more than tripled in the last 30 years even with the explosion in the use of sunscreen and sunblock products and a high percentage of the population reducing sun exposure.

Skin Cancer Animal Model
The National Cancer Institute explains that hairless mice are used for skin cancer studies. Human skin tissue has been grafted to these mice to create an optimal creature for evaluating causes of skin cancer as well as skin cancer treatments as applicable to humans. Many treatments developed on these mice are currently effective treatments for humans. In addition, these mice and their reaction to excessive exposure to UV light is the main reason that scientists have concluded that excessive exposure to sunlight can cause skin cancer.

Causes and Risk Factors
The most popular cause of skin cancer is UV light, or excessive exposure to sunlight. However, there are other potential causes. In this article hosted on WebMD, 4 Commonly Used Moisturizing Creams Promote Tumors in UV-Exposed Mice, a study by Allan H. Conney, PhD, director of the Susan Lehman Cullman Laboratory for Cancer Research and professor in the school of pharmacy at Rutgers University in Piscataway, N.J., the use of common moisturizers, including Eucerin, Vanicream, Dermabase and Dermovan caused a statistically significant increase in skin cancer in hairless mice. The Food and Drug Administration classifies moisturuizers as 'cosmetics'. The manufacturers are not required to undergo the same safety testing as drugs.

Please read this article, Carcinogen in Body Care Products: Mineral Oil, and discover more reasons to avoid mineral oil in body care products. Dermal absorption and inhalation of mineral oil increases the risks of the following conditions:

Pancreatic cancer
Gallbladder cancer
Lung cancer
Melanoma (skin cancer)
Esophagal cancer
Stomach cancer
Kidney cancer

as well as:
non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

in addition to damage to the central nervous system

After reading all of the available studies regarding mineral oil and cancers, leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and damage to the central nervous system, you may want to change moisturizers to something a little less risky.

During a test of caffeine for its effects as a skin cancer cure, Dr. Conney subjected hairless mice to UV light twice a week for 20 weeks. This exposure was designed to make them high risk of developing skin tumors over the next several months.

For the next 17 weeks, 100 mg of moisturizer applied to the mice once a day, 5 days a week. Researchers were trying to find a moisturizer that would work as a good carrier for caffeine, but they had to make sure that the moisturizer would not throw off the study by affecting the mice in any way.

The results were shocking. Application of 4 common daily moisturizers reulted in more skin tumors and faster tumor growth:


Mineral Oil
Lanolin Alcohol
Methyl chloro-

Eucerin increased the total number of tumors by 24%

Beiersdorf Inc. Statement: "We have just learned about this study and are currently reviewing it to understand the findings," Beiersdorf said. "Eucerin Original Creme has been on the market for more than 100 years and is a highly respected, dermatologist-recommended brand."

Maybe they should recommend something else?


Purified Water
Mineral Oil
Cetostearyl Alcohol

Dermabase increased the total number of tumors by 69%

Paddock Laboratories Inc. statement: Declined to comment.


Purified Water
White Petrolatum
Cetearyl Alcohol
Sorbitol Solution
Propylene Glycol
Glyceryl Monostearate
Polyethylene Glycol Monostearate
Sorbic Acid

Vanicream increased the total number of tumors by 58%

Pharmaceutical Specialties Inc. Statement: "Treatment with Vanicream Skin Cream clearly did not increase the proportion of animals that developed tumors," Thompson notes."
Saying it sin't so, doesn't make it real, except in your own mind.

Johnson and Johnson

purified water
propylene glycol
stearyl alcohol
cetyl alcohol
polysorbate 20
isopropyl myristate
C12-15 alkyl benzoate
benzoic acid
sodium hydroxide
Did not increase the total number of tumors as compared to controls with no cream applied.

I feel like I'm playing that Sesame Street game, One of These Things is Not Like the Others...
The mineral oil/petrolatum are NOT in the cream developed for the study. The special cream did NOT increase tumor development as compared to controls with no cream applied. Imagine that.

So, HOLD ON A SECOND, Johnson and Johnson KNOWS that skin cancer prevalence, tumor growth rate and number of skin tumors is increased with exposure to mineral oil. Uh, gee - then why do they continue to include mineral oil in their baby care products? Job security? Let's see, if they sell X number of units of mineral oil baby care products they will create X number of skin cancer cases and sell X number of diagnostic equipment and X number of cancer drugs. Hm. Makes sense. Create a market through human suffering. Click here if you don't believe me.

Join me and send this message to Johnson and Johnson: According to research on my behalf through , I noticed that Johnson and Johnson developed a carrier for a skin cancer test for Dr. Conney that did not contain mineral oil since mineral oil increased tumor development and growth rate. Why do you continue to include mineral oil in baby care products? Why do you continue to sell mineral oil labeled as 'Baby Oil' when your own studies have shown that mineral oil increases the development and growth rate of malignant skin tumors?


With spring starting, allergy sufferers are dreading the onset of allergy season. Perhaps you are like so many patients for whom the typical allergy medications don’t work that well.

For those of you who think you may have run out of options, there are powerful natural alternatives that can help prepare your body in advance to prevent allergy symptoms and treat them if you already are suffering.

Seven natural remedies for seasonal allergies:

1. Begin with a non-allergenic diet: Although allergens are external, it is actually our body’s response to them that is the cause of the allergy -- it is an allergic reaction. If your body is already inundated with food allergy triggers, your immune system will be hyper-wired to react to external allergens. Eliminate wheat, dairy, and excess sugar, the most common allergens.

2. Try a spoonful of honey: Choose local honey produced by bees that live in your area. The theory is that consuming honey may be much like immunotherapy, in the same way that allergists introduce tiny doses of an allergen to reduce sensitivity. As bees collect nectar from flowers, they inadvertently pick up pollen grains, which get into the honey, creating homeopathic immunotherapy.

Using honey as a preventive works best with a daily dose several weeks or months before allergy season. For example, New York City recently approved beekeeping, and one brand, called Hi-Rise Hive, is sold at local health food stores.

3. Take vitamin C and quercetin: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and also a mast cell “stabilizer.” Mast cells are tiny cells that line the mucous membranes, which when exposed to an allergen, release histamine.

Histamine in the bloodstream is the cause of symptoms such as, eye irritation, sneezing, and a runny nose. Vitamin C makes mast cells less reactive, thus reducing allergy symptom, and quercetin is a powerful flavonoid that enhances the effects of vitamin C.

Take 1500mg of vitamin C with 500mg quercetin at the first signs of allergies and repeat every four to six hours as needed. This crafty combination can put a sneezing attack to rest within 20 to 30 minutes. Another great product, Natural D-Hist also contains singing nettle leaf, bromelein (an enzyme), and N-acetyl cysteine (thins mucous).

4. Drink stinging nettle leaf tea: If you have come in contact with this perennial, you probably remember the sting. But it's safe and healthy in drink form. Steep the tea for 10 to 15 minutes to obtain the full benefits of the medicinal oils.

5. Sooth your nose with a neti pot: Seasonal allergies are usually due to pollen from flowering plants, grasses, and trees that become stuck in the nasal passages. Pollen triggers the inflammatory process that we call allergies. One way to reduce symptoms is to wash the allergens out with salt-water.

Neti pots have been used since ancient India to clear nasal passages. Using a neti pot or a saline nasal rinse, such as Sinucleanse, is a great way to help reduce allergy symptoms.

6. Inhale steam with essential oils: Bring water to a boil in a saucepan and then turn off the heat. Place 4 drops eucalyptus oil, 1 to 2 drops tea tree oil, and 3 drops rosemary essential oil. Drape a large towel over your head and inhale deeply for 5 to 10 minutes.

7. Give acupuncture a shot: Acupuncture can be effective, and it is thought that acupuncture may temper an overactive immune system. Applied locally, it can help reduce nasal and sinus inflammation that is the cause of much of the discomfort from allergies.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


There are so Many benefits to keeping your placenta.

Its is Healing and Spiritually Powerful!


Many people of the world have known the secret power of the placenta as a medicinal supplement. Among the Chinese and Vietnamese, it is a customary practice to prepare the placenta for consumption by the mother. The placenta is thought to be rich in nutrients that the mother needs to recover more readily from childbirth. In Italy, women have been known to eat parts of the placenta to help with lactation. Hungarian women bite the placenta to expedite the completion of labor. And knowledgeable midwives in this country have their birth mothers take bites of raw placenta to help stop hemorrhaging, due to its beneficial oxytocin content.

There are a variety of potential benefits to placentophagy. For one, the placenta contains vitamins and minerals that may help fight depression symptoms, such as vitamin B6. For another, the placenta is considered rich in iron and protein, which would be useful to women recovering from childbirth, and a particular benefit to vegetarian women.



This is how I chose to honor my placenta. I had a small ritual with my close woman friends and Marley on his first birthday. The Placenta was kept in my freezer till I was ready. I planted it in a sago palm which is one of the most prehistoric plants still around.

Placenta burial is common among even more cultures. In a number of places, such as Kenya, Malaysia, and Nigeria, the placenta is considered the baby’s twin, or thought to have its own spirit, and is buried with the appropriate rites. In Mexico, Nepal, and New Zealand, the placenta is honored as the companion or friend of the baby, and is placed in the earth reverently, but is not thought to have a spirit of its own. Specific burial rites vary by culture, and in some, the placenta will be placed high up, such as in a tree, instead of being buried in the ground.
In modern Western culture, placenta burial is usually highly personal. It may be based of off the rituals of other cultures, or on the perception of those rituals, but will probably be altered depending on the individual’s preference. It can be planted at the base of a tree or bush, for instance. Some mothers choose to get a special plant for each placenta they bury. Generally, if any time needs to elapse between the birth and the burial of the placenta, it is frozen until the time comes. Since the placenta is very nourishing, it will help the plant above it grow as it decomposes, returning to the earth. It may also be placed in its own container and buried with a marker.


Great to do before consumption or burial.

Some people choose not to keep the placenta itself, or to engage in other rituals in addition to the burial or consumption of it. Making prints of the placenta, using either the blood that covers it or ink and paint, are not uncommon. Art done with a related substance – the amniotic membrane – has also been made. These are ways to have a keepsake of the pregnancy that reminds us of our connection with the earth. The placenta can be disposed of, buried, or consumed (provided no paint or ink was used) afterward, as the mother chooses.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Having a cup of rooibus tea many benefits in one cup!!!

Rooibos or Redbush, as it is more commonly known, is an herbal tea that is grown only in the South African highlands.
It comes from the plant Aspalathus linearis, rather than the Camellia plants that produce traditional teas, such as Black, Green or Oolong.

The brew is a distinctive red color and offers a very sweet and slightly nutty flavor. It contains a variety of antioxidant substances, some of which are entirely exclusive to the Redbush plant.

As well as being decaffeinated with low tannin content, the tea contains Vitamin C and many minerals and can almost be considered a nutritional supplement.

The minerals contained in a cup of Redbush tea are:

Alpha-hydroxy (great for the skin)
Various studies have shown the many health problems that can be helped by drinking this tea on a regular basis:

Can be used to treat hay fever, asthma and eczema
Placed directly on the skin, it can slow the aging process
Boosts the immune system
Eases irritability, headaches, nervous tension and insomnia
Acts as an anti-spasmodic agent, to relieve stomach cramps and colic in infants
Contains no oxalic acid, so people who are prone to kidney stones can safely consume it
Mothers in South Africa have long been aware of the benefits of the herbal brew and it is traditional to give this tea to children. It is thought that a small amount of Redbush tea added to milk could soothe babies and help ease symptoms of colic.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

COCONUT OIL IS ALL I USE!!!! you should too

I have used many beauty products over the years. All organic- paraben free is expensive. All I use now is coconut for body, skin and hair!!!!!!!!!!!! its amazing. I always massage with it!!! I love it and recommend it to everyone!!!!

Coconut oil skin applications are risk-free and packed with short- and long-term blessings.

Which do you prefer? Products with hidden and harmful chemicals, or the one nature already provided?

Best Fat for Your Skin

Long before it was discovered to have the power to kill the AIDS virus, coconut oil was already busy giving mankind beautiful skin and hair. That's right! Coconut oil for the hair is just as impressive.

Coconut oil skin care is chemical-free and loaded with rejuvenating medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) or medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). It is nature's most abundant source of antimicrobial MCFAs. Think of MCFAs as bodyguards of your skin.

Sebaceous glands secrete bodily oil called sebum which keeps your skin from drying and cracking. Guess what. Sebum also contains MCFAs. No wonder coconut massage oils are gaining unprecedented popularity among massage therapists.

Coconut Oil Power Unleashed

Your skin is home-sweet-home to countless microorganisms, mostly harmless and some even helpful. Lipophilic bacteria is one of the good guys because they break down MCTs into MCFAs - independent fatty acids called free fatty acids.

As triglycerides (MCT), fatty acids can do nothing. But as individuals (MCFA), they have a mean antimicrobial punch. Let's just say they prefer going solo. Selfish little fatty acids. But that's great for your skin, right!

Topical is Best

Just apply a generous but not dripping amount of coconut oil on your face, neck, arms, chest, buttocks, thighs, legs and feet. Did I miss something? Its relatively small molecules will enter your pores in no time to begin working its magic - first externally, then internally.

Coconut oil acne benefits? I said goodbye to embarrassing pimple eruptions shortly after making coconut oil in charge of my skin.

For quick and effective healing of cuts, wounds, burns and the like, I vigorously recommend the coconut oil bandage.

Natural Soap Ingredient

Simply use coconut oil soap for a more natural occurrence. Coconut oil skin blessings could not have been more within your effortless reach.

Actually, coconut oil for soap making is such a natural. A good number of commercial soaps on the market today contain coconut oil as their principal component.

The Original Suntan Lotion

Do you love going out in the sun but hate getting painful sunburns? Try applying some of this humble oil and see for yourself.

The Polynesians are known for having beautiful unblemished skin even though they're always under the damaging rays of the sun. That's because they use coconut oil on their bodies as a lotion, which is actually one of its oldest uses.

But the real value of coconut oil is its enduring care. This is the true test. Coconut oil beautifies by perpetually helping in the repair and protection of your skin from within.

Works Inside AND Out

It works just as powerfully inside your body, vaporizing fungal infections without the least bit of harm. Coconut oil candida benefits for one is pretty impressive.

Coconut oil strengthens your skin's connective tissues. Strong connective fibers translates to skin that is soft, smooth and supple.

By the way, in case you're wondering if your skin is functionally younger or older than your biological or true age, try this quick and easy skin elasticity test. Go ahead. You could be in for a surprise.

First Your Skin, Then Your Entire Body

Using coconut oil for your skin is far more than skin deep. Once the skin is completely penetrated, MCFA-rich coconut oil will eventually reach your bloodstream and begin another phase of even more health-boosting activities.