Tuesday, April 12, 2011

COCONUT OIL IS ALL I USE!!!! you should too

I have used many beauty products over the years. All organic- paraben free is expensive. All I use now is coconut for body, skin and hair!!!!!!!!!!!! its amazing. I always massage with it!!! I love it and recommend it to everyone!!!!

Coconut oil skin applications are risk-free and packed with short- and long-term blessings.

Which do you prefer? Products with hidden and harmful chemicals, or the one nature already provided?

Best Fat for Your Skin

Long before it was discovered to have the power to kill the AIDS virus, coconut oil was already busy giving mankind beautiful skin and hair. That's right! Coconut oil for the hair is just as impressive.

Coconut oil skin care is chemical-free and loaded with rejuvenating medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) or medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). It is nature's most abundant source of antimicrobial MCFAs. Think of MCFAs as bodyguards of your skin.

Sebaceous glands secrete bodily oil called sebum which keeps your skin from drying and cracking. Guess what. Sebum also contains MCFAs. No wonder coconut massage oils are gaining unprecedented popularity among massage therapists.

Coconut Oil Power Unleashed

Your skin is home-sweet-home to countless microorganisms, mostly harmless and some even helpful. Lipophilic bacteria is one of the good guys because they break down MCTs into MCFAs - independent fatty acids called free fatty acids.

As triglycerides (MCT), fatty acids can do nothing. But as individuals (MCFA), they have a mean antimicrobial punch. Let's just say they prefer going solo. Selfish little fatty acids. But that's great for your skin, right!

Topical is Best

Just apply a generous but not dripping amount of coconut oil on your face, neck, arms, chest, buttocks, thighs, legs and feet. Did I miss something? Its relatively small molecules will enter your pores in no time to begin working its magic - first externally, then internally.

Coconut oil acne benefits? I said goodbye to embarrassing pimple eruptions shortly after making coconut oil in charge of my skin.

For quick and effective healing of cuts, wounds, burns and the like, I vigorously recommend the coconut oil bandage.

Natural Soap Ingredient

Simply use coconut oil soap for a more natural occurrence. Coconut oil skin blessings could not have been more within your effortless reach.

Actually, coconut oil for soap making is such a natural. A good number of commercial soaps on the market today contain coconut oil as their principal component.

The Original Suntan Lotion

Do you love going out in the sun but hate getting painful sunburns? Try applying some of this humble oil and see for yourself.

The Polynesians are known for having beautiful unblemished skin even though they're always under the damaging rays of the sun. That's because they use coconut oil on their bodies as a lotion, which is actually one of its oldest uses.

But the real value of coconut oil is its enduring care. This is the true test. Coconut oil beautifies by perpetually helping in the repair and protection of your skin from within.

Works Inside AND Out

It works just as powerfully inside your body, vaporizing fungal infections without the least bit of harm. Coconut oil candida benefits for one is pretty impressive.

Coconut oil strengthens your skin's connective tissues. Strong connective fibers translates to skin that is soft, smooth and supple.

By the way, in case you're wondering if your skin is functionally younger or older than your biological or true age, try this quick and easy skin elasticity test. Go ahead. You could be in for a surprise.

First Your Skin, Then Your Entire Body

Using coconut oil for your skin is far more than skin deep. Once the skin is completely penetrated, MCFA-rich coconut oil will eventually reach your bloodstream and begin another phase of even more health-boosting activities.

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