Anxiety is something that we all experience sometimes. All of us experience a wide range of emotions, both positive and negative. Negative emotions such as anger, fear, and apprehension are normal human responses to unpleasant or dangerous situations, and are in fact necessary for survival. Sometimes however, these emotions get out of hand and occur without any stimulus, even to the point of disrupting our daily activities and harming our health.
Anxiety Symptoms
Anxiety Disorder Symptoms
Like many psychological problems, an anxiety disorder is a little difficult to detect, particularly as many of the symptoms are normal human responses. The key difference however is that these responses occur without any stimulus. Sometimes the individual is almost constantly in a state of worry, while others may experience sudden, unprovoked “anxiety attacks”.
Some of the symptoms of anxiety disorder include:
- Constant state of apprehension
- Irritability
- Restlessness
- Fatigue and exhaustion
- Inability to concentrate
- Chest pain
- Headaches
- Breathlessness
- Nausea
- Indigestion
- Insomnia
- Inability to calm down or relax
Anxiety Causes
Anxiety Symptoms, Causes, Remedy and Diet
No specific cause of anxiety
Unlike a physical disease or medical condition, there are no specific causes of anxiety. A variety of causes can combine to have a negative effect on a person, ultimately resulting in an anxiety disorder. The body’s chemical processes, one’s life experiences, and many other factors play a role. There can be specific elements of your life and environment that make you anxious and contribute to the problem of anxiety, such as work pressure, academic expectations, or major illness, or there can be a general existential crisis. Constant worry can cause panic attacks.
Anxiety Remedies
Anxiety home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
Aromatherapy is a good treatment for anxiety, and you can do it on your own. Lavender oil is particularly effective, but you can also use jasmine or sandalwood.
Vitamin deficiencies - Vitamin B in particular can often cause anxiety. Try taking a daily supplement of a B-complex tablet.
Learn some meditation and yoga techniques to calm yourself. If nothing else, closing your eyes and breathing deeply will do. These techniques can be used whenever you start to get an anxiety attack, and also as part of your daily routine.
A daily workout will help you calm down. The physical exertion itself helps fight anxiety, plus it prompts your body to produce certain chemicals that calm you and make you feel good.
When you feel an anxiety attack coming on, you can have a cold shower or soak in a warm bath, whichever works for you.
Drink water or tea
When you start to feel stressed out, drink a whole glass of water, or else sit back and sip a cup of tea.
Anxiety Diet
Anxiety : Home Remedies suggested by users
General Anxiety Relief Guidelines
There is no specific diet for anxiety, but certain foods and food habits can certainly make a difference. You can experiment on your own, but ensure that you differentiate between unhealthy “comfort food” and healthy food that is actually making a difference to your condition. You might be quite happy eating a greasy burger, but a fruit snack instead might make you feel better in the long run.
Some general guidelines for anxiety relief include:
- Drink adequate amounts of water daily.
- Make sure that you get all the necessary vitamins and minerals. If necessary, ask your doctor about supplements.
- Cut down on alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine.
- Eat more complex carbohydrates.
Other Suggestions for Anxiety
Anxiety Suggestions
For a severe anxiety disorder, there is no option other than getting professional help. There are two main approaches to anxiety disorder treatment:
This method of treatment basically involves taking the help of a psychiatrist or a professional counselor to identify the behavioral or psychological causes of the anxiety disorder. The psychiatrist or counselor will then help you change these patterns of behavior and thinking, and help you react to situations in a more positive way.
There are a variety of drugs that are used to treat anxiety disorders, including sedatives and antidepressants. These drugs work, but they do have their side effects, including the possibility of dependency. They are therefore to be used only under professional guidance, and only if other measures are found to be ineffective
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